Friday, January 16, 2009

Last night was my first night out on the town, and this city has a lot to offer. I started by sipping on a glass of Vino Tinto (red wine) in a local bar while watching the soccer game. Bilbao won 2-0 WOOOO! After we met up as a study abroad group and went out with our professors. They introduced me to a new drink called Kalimotxo which is red wine and coke. The head of the program bought me a drink and said, "Tengo una sorpresa para tu!" which means I have a surprise for you. About an hour into the night my old Spanish teacher showed up! It was great to see her and try to speak Spanish to her in a loud, crowded, smokey bar! After a long night of drinking we headed home. I waltzed in the door at 3:30 AM and went to bed. I awoke this morning around 11 with a pounding headache. My mother knew I was not feeling well from the previous night and made me some Spanish concoction to cure my headache. After drinking that I went on a run and found my favorite spot in the city. I ran along the beach to a pier that went about a half mile out. At the end you had a beautiful view of the city. Words cannot describe this view. I could sit there for hours listening to the waves and looking at the city. I have just returned from my run and ready to start my day of adventures. There is supposedly a nature preserve close by so we are going to try and find that and after head to Casco Viejo for lunch where there are local street vendors and interesting eye candy. I have two pictures attached......enjoy....
Algorta tiene mi Corazon!

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