Wednesday, January 28, 2009

On a sidenote:
1. I don't know how much justice I can do for this story.
2. I will just say it now so I don't say it 15 times in my story. I WISH I HAD MY CAMERA
3. Lets see how well I do telling the story of yesterday. It might not be interesting to my viewers, but it needs to be written down for my own recollection.

I woke up to my alarm at 7:41 like I do every weekday. Except this wake up was different; I had slept about 3 hours that night. I had so much on my head and just couldn't sleep. I woke up to the darkness of the morning and the pounding of the rain; I live on the third floor of a four floor building so thats got to be some pretty loud rain to hear it from my location. I look out my window and it is DISTGUSTING. Darkness and wetness. If this was the University of Illinois I would say screw this, I am going back to bed, but Hey, When in Spain. I eat my breakfast of 2 clementines as I look out at the downpour that is about to become a true reality. I grab my broken umbrella from the previous story, turn on my IPOD, and head out. Music is blasting to wake me up and pump me up for my day, but I can still here the rain clearly. I get to the Metro Train after a 5 minute walk and am soaked from the waist down. I do not look forward to my 15 minute walk to class.
The train is usually crowded, but this time it was claustrophibically crowded. Everyone is wet and jammed together almost airtight. You couldn't even see out the windows due to the fog from everyones breath. I get off the train and get ready to head out into the street.
The downpour hasn't stopped and I am now in a hurry to get off the street and into the school so I am speed walking. This is why I hate umbrellas, people have no idea that other people are around them. Usually when I walk I zig-zag in and out of traffic; first one to always cross the street. That was impossible as i got stuck behind a line of spheres of various colors. After a long walk, I finally made it to the University. Now there are two ways to get in to our building, through a park, a quad type of thing for lack of better words, or a bridge over the street. I always take the park because its quicker, but as I am walking up the street I get stopped by one of my professors who is also heading in who tells me in Spanish to head the other way. So we go around towards the bridge. As I look at the "park" across the street I notice it is no longer a park and actually a lake. There is a parking lot inside the park that is accessible up a small drive up a hill. This drive has turned into a fast flowing river of brown water about an inch deep. Cars looked so funny going up it as the water washed down their tires. As we walked down the street I had never seen so much water in a road. Cars were driving through splashing water higher then I had ever seen as well. We had to walk far away just so we wouldn't get hit by water. We finally made it into class, and usually they have a strict policy about not being allowed into class 5 minutes after it started. I, of course, made it on time because I am punctual like that, but kids were walking in like 20-30 mins late. Teachers were allowing it, I don't think they even knew what was going on. They kept saying that this was the first time they had a storm like this since 1983. As class went on we could see out the wide windows (they have a lot of windows because then it cuts down on the need for lights, take a hint America) as the rain downpoured outside. The teacher actually stopped class to allow us to watch the rain come down. On Tuesdays I have class from 9:00-2:00, so 12:30 rolls around and someone comes into our classroom and says in Spanish of course, "The metro might not be working its apparently flooded." I think to myself there is NO WAY that I am getting stuck in this building for countless hours on three hours of sleep. After class I took off for the metro praying that it was running. The rain had started to die down, but it was still enough to use an umbrella. I got to the metro and made it home! When I turned on the news all I saw were pictures de inundaciones (floods). It was a crazy wet day.

Sidenote: This was after this weekend we had a tornado touch down that killed 4 people in Barcelona and caused a ton of damage here in Algorta and Bilbao. Sorry for stretching it on so long, but I needed to rant about it!

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