Saturday, January 24, 2009

I went to San Sebastian yesterday. To start this story off I read in the newspaper it was supposed to be 60 and slight chance of rain........When we got to San Sebastian it was 50 and POURING. So we get to San Sebastian extremely hungry and start our walk. We arrive at a restaurant SOAKING wet from head to toe. To explain this restaurant there were about 40 ham legs hanging from the ceiling and I was extremely scared one of them was going to drip on me. We have no idea what is on this menu cause, of course, we still don't understand Spanish that well. We both order the Calamari Sandwich which turns out to be fried calamari slammed into a roll......very creative. We finish up our food and realize that we need umbrellas; I am NOT one for having an umbrella! I can't stand them and I can't stand people with them.......when in Espana. We ask our waiter where a place is to buy umbrellas. He replies "AH! La tienda de chino" Which vaguely means the Chinese store. So we embark on our journey to find this magical store. Of course, we get lost on the way and ask a friendly cop where la tienda de chino is? He understands and points us on our way. Little racist? I think so. Continuing we get to the store and purchase 8 Euro umbrellas. Which in this torrential downpour and blustery umbrella breaks in 5 minutes. I give up on umbrellas. Never again. So we continue our walk and head into a supermarket to dry off and check out the local food. This was more of farmers market. They had anything you could think of wanting including cow nose. After that we walked down to the beach which is supposed to be one of the best beaches in Spain, but it was really hard to tell with the pouring rain and the blustery wind. Anyways we decided to cut our adventure short and went back and bought our bus tickets back to Bilbao. I get back only to find out that they are expecting a tornado! So of course I go out with my friends and come back; most likely during the calm before the storm. I wake up this morning to SUNLIGHT; something I havent seen in a week. This is a sign from god that I need to go for a run. So as I write I am covered in sweat, sand, and ocean water. I started my run out with the wind to my face; this wasn't normal wind it was the type of wind that pushes you. As I am running many streets are blocked off by police due to objects that have fallen or something. (I guess I did get home last night just in time). So i continue my run down to the beach where I do my normal pier run. This run wasn't normal at all. As i was running I felt like I was going to get thrown into the ocean by the hands of the wind and the waves were atleast 15 feet. So high that the water was hitting me; BUT I LOVED IT and I am sure you could ask anyone walking by me that I was screaming in glee. I was too scared to make it all the way to the end of the pier; never thought I would be scared of wind... To add on to this story I just talked to mi ama (mom) and she said that this morning the metro (which is run by electricity) went down while there were people in it and her friend has to come over to shower because the power is out at her house. I posted 3 pictures. One is the ocean fury in San Sebastian, a huge church in San Sebastian, and the other of the pig nose I was thinking of buying and making Veronica cook for me. Sorry I didn't have a plethora of pictures to choose from cause I was really scared of the mixture of water and the camera; Madison would KILL me if I broke her camera. That is all for now.
Hasta Luego

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