Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Today we woke up in the Jump Inn Sharm and headed to the Sea Club all inclusive hotel. We all got there a little tired from our travels and headed to the beach on the Red Sea. We snorkeled a bit in the coral right off of the beach and saw some extremely colorful small fish. We then caught a few more rays of the sun and swam around in the water. There was a pier where you could jump into 20 ft of water and it opened later on in the day. We all jumped in and realized we were SURROUNDED by jellyfish. We all freaked out and swam back to the pier and got out of the water. That was the last time we went in there. We then played Bocci Ball with a few old Italian guys and then got ready for dinner. This hotel made me feel like I was in Cancun; just with a much prettier view. We were all still tired after dinner and knew we had a long day ahead of us so we finished our night off laying on the beach and looking at the stars.

We woke up in the morning and headed out to go snorkeling. We got to a dock where we found out that Pat's uncle had gotten us our own private boat. We sailed for about 45 minutes where we stopped at a huge coral reef. We all jumped in and snorkeled for about a half hour. We saw some of the craziest colored fish we have ever seen. Bright greens, turquoise, pink, and bright yellow were some of the colors of these fish. We then got on the boat and sailed for another half hour to see some more coral. Once again, extremely beautiful I dove to look into a cove; I saw some beautiful fish but got burned by fire coral on my arm. We then had lunch on the boat. We had some fish that was literally the freshest fish I have ever eaten. It melted in my mouth. We then snorkeled/swam a little bit more in some open water and headed back to the dock. We got into the bus and headed back to the hotel where we ate dinner and decided our plans for the night. We were offered to go to a club, but it was 30 Euros, and we didn't have that type of money. We went out on our own and caught a bus to the city of Sharm. This bus was a local bus that drives people home from work. We got us 7 into this mini bus and when we got there the driver wanted 30 egyptian pounds. Pat worked his magic once again and got it down to 15 egyptian pounds which is roughly 3 bucks. Yes, a 20 min ride for a total of 3 bucks. When we got to downtown Sharm some people decided to go to the casino; I once again didn't have money so a few of us went to the Hard Rock Cafe. We hung out there for about an hour and then went to Panorama which is a bar that overlooks all of Sharm. We hung out for one beer and then headed back to the hotel. When we got back, those that had gone to the casino were all depressed. Thats their fault. When we were in Sharm I realized how much Muslims hate Americans. Everytime I told someone I was American they had a wise comment like "Oh where is your horse?" or "Where is your gun. Are you in the mafia?" I finally realized that I could not tell people I was from America anymore and started telling people I was from Spain. It stopped people from trying to sell me things because when I spoke Spanish they didn't understand and just forgot about me. I am an itelligent one......remember that.

After about 2 hours of sleep, we hopped on a plane to Cairo. 45 minutes later we are grabbing our bags and heading to the city. We got to our hotel which was right on the Nile. Once again a thanks to Pat's uncle. We put down our bags and met up with Pat's uncle at his office. We had a traditional Egyptian coffee which was a lot thicker then American coffee. Walking through the streets during lunchtime was insane. People were literally ON the streets praying as loudspeakers blasted prayers in Arabic. People could not drive down some streets. We then went out to McDonald's. The menu was in English and in Arabic and it was quite funny to get McDonalds in Egypt. It tasted the same. After lunch we went to the Cairo museum where we saw many artifacts that were discovered in tombs; many of the artifacts were from King Tut. The luxury and detail that these artifacts had from about 5000 years ago. I can't believe some of the things these people brought with them to the afterlife. We then went to a street market where people tried to sell us a ton of stuff. I did not have the bargaining skills nor the money that Pat had so I didn't purchase anything. Pat got a bunch of gold and silver things for his family for pretty cheap prices, but I didn't see anything I liked.....seriously. I am a horrible shopper, I needed a girl with me, preferably my mom. She would have LOVED it. It was fun walking around there and just watching all the people. It was the coolest type of people watching I have ever seen. We then went back to the hotel and headed out to go to Chilli's for dinner. It was good, once again tasted the same, but Pat LOVED it. It was in a huge mall; bigger then Woodfield. 7 floors and quite the hoppin place. This mall made me feel that Egypt wasn't third world. We then got into 2 cabs and rode home. These cabbies were friends and were quite speedy. Weaving in and out of traffic. I said earlier that driving in Egypt is crazy. Its even crazier when your in the car that when it passes you your like "OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT DRIVER THINKING." We all held on for dear life as we made it back to our hotel in half the time it took us to get to Chilli's. After getting back to the hotel I laid in my bed and listened to the bustling Cairo city and went to bed.

I woke up earlier then everyone extremely thirsty. We could not drink the faucet water so I went out for a walk to purchase water. I walked to the Nile and found a vender who sold me a huge water. I then walked back to the hotel to wake everyone up and we headed out to Giza to see the pyramids. Giza is about 30 mins out of Cairo. We got to the pyramids and went into the Great Pyramid. Seeing the pyramids was breathtaking and going inside the pyramid was a little claustrophobic. There wasn't much to see inside but it was just cool climbing sideways to the center of the pyramid. We then took camels to the panorama where you could see the city of Egypt and all 3 pyramids. We stayed there for about 15 minutes learning about the history behind the pyramids and then we took the bus back to Pat's other uncle's house. This uncle is EXTREMELY rich. Pat says he is one of the top 25 most rich people in Egypt. He owns the largest steel company in Egypt. His house was 7 floors overlooking the pyramids. It has its own pool, basketball court, soccer court, tennis court, garden, animals that they kill to eat, a guest house, a pool house, and 8 full time servants. So we had a huge meal, literally 15 plates filled with all different types of food; liver, veal, salad, soup, sausage, and anything else you could think of. His aunt and uncle were not eating due to the fact that they were fasting. We then went to their roof and watched the sun set on the pyramids. One of the most amazing views of my life. The sky was a beautiful orange and the sun set RIGHT over the pyramids. We then played a game of basketball and swam a little. We talked to his uncle and around 10 at night we headed back to the hotel. We went out in Cairo that night to a local club.

I woke up and headed to the airport. I travelled from Egypt through Frankfort to Madrid. I then caught a bus back to Bilbao. 18 hours later I was back home in Bilbao. This trip was a trip of a lifetime.......... I can never experience anything like I just did ever again. A lot of these stories are just the straight facts. Once again I am doing this for the majority of me remembering what happened. There is a lot of further explanation I can give on the status of Egypt, my feelings for the people, their economy, the history I learned, and the things I saw. There just isn't enough time to write down everything.........
That is all, please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments!

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