Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Well all, this should be my last post for a few weeks since I will be out of the country and out of the continent for a week or so, but I just wanted to give you my travel itinerary so you know where I am at.
I leave next tuesday (one week) on a train to Paris, France.
I will be in Paris for 3 days and fly out on Friday for Cairo, Egypt.
On Saturday April 11th, I will be making my way to Asuan, Egypt will we will be taking a cruise down the Red Sea (That is the benefit of having a buddy who has family living in Egypt)
We will be there until the 14th when I will travel to Sharm El Sheikh Egypt and we have a hostel booked close to the beach for 3 more nights.
I will then travel back to Cairo on Friday, April 17th.
I will be in Cairo until Sunday, April 19th when I will fly back to Spain.
I plan on bringing a notebook and documenting all of the insane stories and interesting situations I get myself into in Egypt considering there will be a huge language barrier and culture I have no even come close to experiencing.

I don't know why I haven't given this number out earlier, but my number here is (034)-664-551-216. I should have my phone on me the whole time I am in Egypt, but I probably will not answer it if you were to call due to the fact that I will get roaming charges. If I am in Spain and you were to call I am pretty sure it is free for me (MUAHHAHA).
So I hope everyone enjoyed their spring break, as mine is just about to start. I am two days of school and a relaxing beachlike weekend in Bilbao away from the trip of my lifetime.

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